Introduction to my blog


what is this

My name is Jocelyn, otherwise known as Joss, Josie or sleppo04. This is my blog. On here, I’ll post my ramblings about programming and tech in general, music, video games and other things that I may or may not be qualified to talk about.

Topics I want to cover include:

This list is non-exclusive. Once I get around to implementing it, my blog will have a tag/category system to classify blog posts for your (and my) convenience. Also, my blog posts have a minimum length, because this is not a micro blogging service. Due to this, blog posts can take quite some time to write.

One last thing: As of now, my blog does not feature a “last updated” time feature, but I will still update posts occasionally (for fixing mistakes and correcting things). If I need to make a bigger change I will annotate that in some way for transparency. If you want to see the whole editing history, you can check out the blog on my git page.

why is this

I wanted to have my own blog for quite some time now. When I started renting my own server sometime around October of 2023 I decided to take the opportunity, and did… nothing for over half a year. Yeah. Now it’s already June, and after messing around with stuff I finally have a workflow I’m somewhat comfortable with… for now.

In case it’s not already clear, this blog (and my site in general) is heavily inspired by the ever-awesome Fabien Sanglard and his blog.

how is this

Fine, thank you ^^ (blog talking here)

All jokes aside: This blog is written in Markdown, and compiled to static HTML using a custom setup involving Pandoc. My setup is like that because I like having total control over the workflow, and because I have unusual requirements (for example: all my pages have to be usable and completely functioning even without the CSS applied). Also, 100% server side, no JavaScript at all.

Fun fact: My blog uses the same stylesheet as my homepage, so style updates will be reflected on both pages. Neat!

Static HTML pages have several advantages, like easy backup and relative independence from server architecture. Also, they are the optimal case for HTTP caching. Other advantages are left up as an exercise to the reader.

I plan on moving the hosting setup to a Plan9 compatible solution (like werc) at some point.

when is this


thank you…

…for reading this introduction into the wonderful world that is my blog. Stay tuned for new entries! I don’t have a schedule, and knowing myself I will probably take several months to get something new out…

Until then,

Jocelyn 🩷